Class Player


  • EventEmitter
    • Player



_avatarLoaded: boolean = false

Used by the avatarLoaded() method to determine if the avatar already loaded.

_positionDeltaTime: number
_steps: Timeout[]
admin: boolean

If the player is a Brick Hill admin (Does not work if local is set to true.)

alive: boolean

If the player is alive or not.

assets: Assets

An object containing all of the assets the player is currently wearing.

authenticated: boolean
blockedUsers: number[]

An array containing userIds of players the player has blocked. Do NOT store player references in here. *

cameraDistance: number

The distance of how far the camera is away from the player.

cameraFOV: number

The camera field of view of the player.

cameraObject: Player

The player the camera is currently attached to.

cameraPosition: Vector3

The current camera position of the player.

cameraRotation: Vector3

The current camera rotation of the player.

cameraType: CameraType

The current camera type of the player.

chatColor: string

If set, the player's nametag color (in chat) will be set to the hex value you put.

client: Client

The player's client type

colors: BodyColors

An object containing all of the body colors the player has.

destroyTool: ((tool: Tool) => Promise<boolean>) = ...

Type declaration

    • (tool: Tool): Promise<boolean>
    • Deprecated

      Same as player.removeTool


      Returns Promise<boolean>

destroyed: boolean = false

True if the player has left the game.

gravity: number = 3

Gravity for player's physics.

health: number

The current health of the player.

inventory: Tool[]

An array of tools the player has in their inventory.

jumpPower: number = 5

How high the player can jump.

loadAvatar: boolean = true

If set to false, the player will not automatically load their avatar.

loadTool: boolean = true

If set to false, the player will not spawn with their tool equipped.
loadAvatar MUST be enabled for this to work.

localBricks?: Brick[]

An array containing all local bricks on the player's client.

maxHealth: number = 100

The value the player's health will be set to when they respawn. *

membershipType: number

The membershipType of the player.

muted: boolean = false

If set to true, the server will reject any chat attempts from the player. *

netId: number
position: Vector3

The current position of the player.

rotation: Vector3

The current rotation of the player.

scale: Vector3 = ...

The current scale of the player.

score: number = 0

The current score of the player.

socket: ClientSocket
spawnHandler: ((player: Player) => Vector3)

Type declaration

    • (player: Player): Vector3
    • A function that will be called whenever player.respawn() is called.


      Returns Vector3

spawnPosition?: Vector3

If set, player.respawn() will spawn the player in the value provided instead of a random location. This property overrides spawnHandler.



speech: string = ""

The current speech bubble of the player. ("" = empty).

speed: number = 4

The current speed of the player.

team: Team

The current team the player is on.

toolEquipped: Tool

The current tool the player has equipped.

userId: number

The Brick Hill userId of the player.

username: string

The username of the player.

validationToken: string

The validation token of the player

captureRejectionSymbol: typeof captureRejectionSymbol
captureRejections: boolean

Sets or gets the default captureRejection value for all emitters.

defaultMaxListeners: number
errorMonitor: typeof errorMonitor

This symbol shall be used to install a listener for only monitoring 'error' events. Listeners installed using this symbol are called before the regular 'error' listeners are called.

Installing a listener using this symbol does not change the behavior once an 'error' event is emitted, therefore the process will still crash if no regular 'error' listener is installed.

playerId: number = 0


avatarLoaded: AvatarLoaded = PlayerEvents.AvatarLoaded

Fires whenever a player's outfit loads.


Game.on("playerJoin", (player) => {
player.on("avatarLoaded", () => {
// The outfit is now loaded.
chatted: Chatted = PlayerEvents.Chatted

Fires whenever the player chats. Functionality-wise this behaves like Game.on("chatted").




Game.on("playerJoin", (player) => {
player.on("chatted", (message) => {
// The player chatted.
died: Died = PlayerEvents.Died

Fires whenever a player dies (health set to 0).


Game.on("playerJoin", (player) => {
* player.on("died", () => {
* player.kick("This is a hardcore server.")
* })
* })
* ```
initialSpawn: InitialSpawn = PlayerEvents.InitialSpawn

Fires once when the player fully loads. (camera settings, map loads, players downloaded, etc).


Game.on("playerJoin", (player) => {
* player.on("initialSpawn", () => {
* player.prompt("Hello there!")
* })
* })
* ```
moved: Moved = PlayerEvents.Moved

Fires whenever this player moves.


The new position of the player


The new rotation of the player

player.on("moved", (newPosition, newRotation)=>{
console.log(`${player.username} moved to ${newPosition.x}, ${newPosition.y}, ${newPosition.z}`)
respawn: Respawn = PlayerEvents.Respawn

Fires whenever a player spawns (respawn() is called.)


Game.on("playerJoin", (player) => {
player.on("respawn", () => {


  • Parameters

    • message: string
    • broadcast: boolean = false

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol
    • listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)
        • (...args: any[]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns Player

  • Adds the tool to the user's inventory.


    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • message: string
    • seconds: number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • message: string
    • seconds: number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Clears all of the bricks for the player. This is a LOCAL change.
    world.bricks will not be updated!

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Takes an array of bricks, and deletes them all from this client.


    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol
    • Rest ...args: any[]

    Returns boolean

  • Equips the tool, if It's not already in the user's inventory it will be added first.
    If you call this on a tool that is already equipped, it will be unequipped.


    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Returns (string | symbol)[]

  • Returns an arary of all the players currently blocking this user.

    Returns any[]

  • Returns number

  • Calls back whenever the player presses a key.


    New player.keyPressed and player.keyReleased api allows more functionality


    Game.on("initialSpawn", (player) => {
    player.speedCooldown = false

    player.keypress(async(key) => {
    if (player.speedCooldown) return
    if (key === "shift") {
    player.speedCooldown = true

    player.bottomPrint("Boost activated!", 3)


    await sleep(3000)


    player.bottomPrint("Boost cooldown...", 6)

    setTimeout(() => {
    player.speedCooldown = false
    }, 6000)


    Returns Disconnectable

  • Kicks the player from the game.


    • message: string

      The kick message

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • type: string | symbol

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol

    Returns Function[]

  • Takes an array of bricks and loads them to the client locally.


    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Sends a local message to the player.


    • message: string

      The message

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Sends a chat message to everyone, conforming to rate-limit / mute checks, etc.


    • message: string
    • generateTitle: boolean = true

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Calls back whenever the player clicks.


    player.mouseclick(() => {
    // The player clicked.


    • callback: (() => void)
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns Disconnectable

  • Clones an array of bricks locally to the player's client, returns an array containing the cloned bricks.


    Returns Promise<any[]>

  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol
    • listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)
        • (...args: any[]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns Player

  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol
    • listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)
        • (...args: any[]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns Player

  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol
    • listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)
        • (...args: any[]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns Player

  • Returns true or false if the player owns a specified assetId.


    Game.on("initialSpawn", async(p) => {
    let ownsAsset = await p.ownsAsset(106530)
    console.log("Player owns asset: ", ownsAsset)


    • assetId: number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol
    • listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)
        • (...args: any[]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns Player

  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol
    • listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)
        • (...args: any[]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns Player

  • Prompts a confirm window on the player's client.


    • message: string

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol

    Returns Function[]

  • Parameters

    • Optional event: string | symbol

    Returns Player

  • Parameters

    • event: string | symbol
    • listener: ((...args: any[]) => void)
        • (...args: any[]): void
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns void

    Returns Player

  • Unequips the tool (if equipped), and removes it from player's inventory.


    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Sets the appearance of the player.
    If a userId isn't specified, it will default to the player's userId.

    Error handling is highly recommended as this function makes a HTTP request.


    • userId: number

    Returns Promise<any[]>

  • Parameters

    • distance: number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • fov: number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Functionally the same to Game.setEnvironment, but sets the environment only for one player.


    Game.on("playerJoin", (p) => {
    p.setEnvironment( {skyColor: "6ff542"} )


    Returns Promise<boolean[]>

  • Parameters

    • gravityValue: number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Sets the players health. If the health provided is larger than maxHealth, maxHealth will automatically be
    set to the new health value.


    • health: number

    Returns Promise<boolean | any[]>

  • Identical to setInterval, but will be cleared after the player is destroyed. Use this if you want to attach loops to players, but don't want to worry about clearing them.


    • callback: (() => void)

      The callback function.

        • (): void
        • Returns void

    • delay: number

      The delay in milliseconds.

    Returns Timeout

  • Parameters

    • power: number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • n: number

    Returns Player

  • Parameters

    • score: number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • speech: string = ""

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • speedValue: number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • message: string
    • seconds: number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Unequips the tool from the player, but does not remove it from their inventory.


    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Deprecated

    since v4.0.0


    • emitter: EventEmitter
    • event: string | symbol

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • emitter: EventEmitter
    • event: string

    Returns AsyncIterableIterator<any>

  • Parameters

    • emitter: NodeEventTarget
    • event: string | symbol

    Returns Promise<any[]>

  • Parameters

    • emitter: DOMEventTarget
    • event: string

    Returns Promise<any[]>