Interface GameSettings


  • GameSettings


cli?: boolean
disabledCoreScripts?: string[]

An array containing the names of core scripts you do not want to run.
For ex: ["admin.js"]

You can use ["*"] to disable ALL core scripts.



hostKey: string

The host key of the Brick Hill set.

ip?: string

IP to bind the server to (Default on local, otherwise)

local: boolean

A boolean indicating if the server is locally hosted or not. Uses port 42480 by default.
Port forwarding is not required



map?: string

The name of the brk file to be hosted. (ex: hello.brk)

mapDirectory?: string

The file path to server's map folder.

modules?: string[]

An array containing the names of npm modules / core node.js modules you want to compile from host, and use inside the VM context.

You can require them with getModule

port: number

The port the server will be running on. (Default is 42480).

postServer?: boolean

Whether or not the server will be posted to the games page.

recursiveLoading?: boolean

If enabled, all files (even inside of folders) in user_scripts will be loaded recursively

scripts?: string

A link to your scripts directory. ex: (/myfolder/user_scripts)